Telegram has released an in-app power-saving mode that helps users running low on battery use the app without worrying much. Here’s how to enable it.
Telegram’s Power Saving Mode is designed to “extend battery life and improve performance on older devices.” The mode works by disabling several in-app effects that consume more power than usual. For instance, the autoplay videos/GIFs feature plays and loops the content in chat. Even when users aren’t watching the clip or the GIF, autoplay makes them run on a loop, drawing more battery. Hence, the app disables the feature and others like sticker/GIF animation, interface effects, and preload media in its Power Saving Mode. In other words, it is Telegram’s counterpart of the regular battery-saving mode on Android and iOS phones.
Here’s How You Can Enable Telegram’s Power Saving Mode
Although apps generally provide a similar experience across Android and iOS, the Power Saving Mode has different options. For example, there are five in-chat animation options for Telegram on Android, including background rotation, side menu in topics, animated spoiler effect, night theme blur, and zoom animations. These options are missing on Telegram for iOS, but on the other hand, iPhone users can disable the app’s background updates. Nonetheless, most users won’t bother about these additional options; they’ll help those who want a customized app experience.
While Android and iOS phones enter battery-saving mode when their battery goes below a certain percentage, Telegram’s Power Saving Mode is an addition. Further, the feature is available for both paying and non-paying users of the app. Users can also switch Telegram’s appearance to dark mode to save some extra juice.